My Passions

Listen to me read poetry on LibriVox!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Lost And Found

I'm still sick and I hate it!  I've coughed so much I have a headache and my appetite is nil.  This is how I know I'm getting old.  UGH. Anyway, here's a poem I wrote a long time ago. There seems to be a little history repeating here. Funny that...

How I Lost Her

I used to be able to know things but
My knowing has up and disappeared

I wish I could get her back but I don’t know how
My La Loba, my Wolf Woman, has deserted me
And I don’t really blame her for doing so.

When she said go left
I said go right
When she said not to trust that one
I said that one loves me

I was foolish, I know
How could I have disobeyed her?
She who has lived in my soul
Since the beginning of time

When she left not a word was spoken
Her hand came away from mine
She changed into her wolf self
And ran away to play with her sisters

It will take some time to find her
It will be difficult to navigate
The thick and ancient forest of my mind
Without her by my side

But I will remember what she taught me
And we will be one again

And then, feeling rather sick, he went to look for some parsley.

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